Bye 2020!!!

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Bye 2020!!!

Postby ScottR » 31 Thu Dec, 2020 6:41 pm

I read this on Facebook and thought I would share...

Today we celebrate the end of 2020, with a sigh of relief, we reach the end to a year of devastation, confusion, trauma, and fear, which has been a continuous theme of everyday life since the early days of 2020. We’ve watched as our homes, businesses and city’s were destroyed by militant anarchist and socialist, we were bombarded with propaganda and lies from the media and alleged trusted leaders, we’ve seen rampant corruption by powerful individuals seeking absolute control and power, and we’ve been socially divided, isolated by a disease that’s only effected 6% of the population at a cost of trillions of dollars in jobs, failed businesses, and taxation, and yet we celebrate tonight.

No one expects to find the emerald city at midnight, nor the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, so why do we celebrate the end of such a year, why do we rejoice at the prospects of the new year, it’s hope. The hope that the future we will find the answers to the ills of 2020, the hope that tomorrow will bring a return to prosperity and a normalcy in our daily lives. A hope that the future will be brighter and happier than 2020.

Hope an amazing emotion, it lightens our hearts, it inspires our dreams and motivates to improve our lives and future, but without effort hope is nothing more than an empty wish. Hope for a better tomorrow only comes with a renewed commitment to achieve and improve our lives by effort, guided by wisdom and common sense.

So tonight, celebrate the end to the horrible year of 2020, and celebrate the hope of 2021, for tomorrow we must roll up our sleeves, prepare to undertake the task necessary to change our future and improve our society for the betterment of all.

Can't wait to get back to normal buggy get togethers!!!
Buggy Nut
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Location: Alamo City

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